★★★ Memorial Monday ★★★

CAPT Anthony Stancil, USMCR, '86 was lost on July 27, 1990 when the UH-1N Huey helicopter he was co-piloting crashed in the Chocolate Mountain Bombing Range, about 55 miles from Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona. The pilot was also lost. They were members of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 367, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, stationed at Camp Pendleton, California.

In the Lucky Bag: "Tony blinked into the Academy and left behind his hogs, dogs one, two, and three, and coon hunting. Tony was famous for his ability to utterly confuse everyone before EE tests (the rotor and the stator). He had an uncanny knack of being able to pull himself out of potential academic trouble with final exams. Tony studied SEAL tactics to figure out how to deal with his profs."

A native of Merry Hill, North Carolina, Anthony earned his wings as a Naval Aviator in May 1988. He had been with HMLA 367 since late November 1988.

He was survived by his parents and his brother.

To Honor! ⚓,_CAPT,_USMCR